Making Music & Pre-Production for Music Video

Well, I’d have to say that this weekend was pretty epic. Friday night kicked it all off with a Two Spies show at the legendary Harmanco’s. This was a bigger show than we’ve done previous and our second time as a group at this establishment. We’ve expanded our covers a bit, brought up two more […]

Beach House Weekend April 2015

I’d like to report that our beach trip this summer was the best vacation ever. For Liam and his friend, Max, I’m sure it was a pretty cool time indeed. Unfortunately, I suffered a tooth infection and pretty much had to swallow over the counter pain suppressors the entire time just to bear it.

Return to Harmancos 15 Years Later

Back In the 2000’s, I rocked Harmancos with my alt rock outfit, Absolute Zero. I was recently invited to back and perform by the new owners. I let them know that I was now in an Acoutic Duo called, Two Spies and they booked us sight unseen. Last Friday, March 27th, Terry and I gave […]

From NC With Love – Two Spies

Well what can I say about Jamie Wilburn and his new brand along with wife Jennifer, “From NC With Love?” They were awesome enough to come out and shoot some shots of me following my music passion along with my partner in crime, Terry Whittenburg. It’s a neat little slant on a photography service that […]

Happy St Patrick’s Day

I wish a Happy St. Patrick’s Day to one and all. This year I actually got to do a St Paddy’s day themed performance along with my acoustic duo, Two Spies, albeit a few days shy of the holiday. Read on to check out the images from the day. I don’t often dress the part […]

Two Spies – The Legend Grows

What a fun Saturday! Good friends and good music! Big thanks to my buddy and probably best photographer I know, Jamie Wilburn for coming out to shoot Two Spies at the Stony Mountain Winery 3rd annual St Patrick’s Day celebration. We had a fun time and fairly solid performance in my estimation. We even added […]

Brento Whirlwind in The Thorn Tree

Last night I had a dream where I was on stage playing bass for The Vaguely Symbolic, only we were just kind of making up songs instead of playing a pre-planned set. The bass kept making strange noises. Eric asked me, “What’s up with that bass?” I told him that I had no idea but […]

I Made It To Day 86 on Unbroken Low Impact Cardio

Unfortunately, the back injury is still persisting. I’m giving myself a week off of the treadmill try to get that Psoas Major injury good and healed up. I managed to barely tweak it again last Monday and went through another 4 days of utter pain. Can’t be doing that and I’m starting to think the […]

Two Spies – The First Live Set

The first public set from Two Spies went down Friday night, February 27, 2015 at The Little Tokyo Lounge. I have to say that as far as first time out’s for a duo go, this one went great! I was really surprised at a couple of things. Firstly, Wow but does that place ever have […]

Two Dates Booked for Two Spies

I don’t want to speak too soon but it seems that the new acoustic outfit that I’ve formed with Terry Whittenburg is working out. We are calling ourselves, “Two Spies.” Why that name? I’m glad that you asked. As recorded in the Book of Numbers, a group of 12 Israelite chieftains, one from each of […]