The Weekly Vlog is really aimed at family members or close friends who might be interested to see what Delilah is getting up to in a given week. These edits are left fairly raw intentionally, with the thought that Delilah herself or perhaps her mom might want to re-edit them in the future or simply regard them as home videos. I hesitate to add much music or special effects out of respect for their personal nature and potential for re-use later.

In the instances where the videos are edited to music, it is typically my own music.

To view all of the Weekly Vlog videos, you can visit these related Rumble Channels and sort in reverse chronological order to go back to the beginning.

I’ll feature a few more recent videos below with linked thumbnails for your convenience.

Delilah TV 01 for years 1 – 3

Delilah At Dan Nicholas Park
Delilah Plays In Tide Pool
Weekly Vlog January 30, 2023

Visit This Channel for classic home videos of life with the family

Visit this channel for videos of my old performances from my original progressive rock trio, Absolute Zero. The band lasted roughly 20 years so the performances are from all over the regional music scene.

Visit this channel for videos from our many visits to classic horror conventions.

Visit This Channel for my “modern era” podcast which covers all kinds of things but is focus on family life, health and current art projects.

Visit this channel for a 12 part series of behind the scenes of the process of creating a short Science Fiction Horror film I made with some friends.

Visit this channel for smattering of ambitious attempts at making films without the proper equipment, support or know how. It is what it is.

Visit This Channel for a cross section of music videos and live performances of my music from three decades.

Visit this channel for videos of a happy go luck family vlog from Delilah’s second year.

Visit this channel for videos of my collaboration with Harrison Forman.

Delilah TV 02 for years 4 -5

Wednesday Steps Out
Weekly Vlog, November 8, 2023
Weekly Vlog, October 16, 2023 Part 05