AZ Gone Acoustic

Well, this weekend was fairly eventful. Absolute Zero had it’s first Acoustic show in over a decade. I’ve always though that there was something special about our material when played acoustic and I still feel like it’s a format we need to pursue more. It makes our music more accessible to the older crowd for […]

Faster is Almost Out and Muticia 2.0 is Kicking off.

It’s getting long between updates these days but that’s because there’s lots of projects afoot. I tend to neglect the personal blog when I get busy. I had a quick moment today and figured I’d fire off a late summer update. Yesterday, I ordered the proof for my first solo album, Faster. If everything looks […]

The Summer Update

Next up to film is a brand new intro for our web series, “Muticia’s Movie Morgue.” It involves several cinematic homages to films we all know and love. Each of them, of course starring the movie goddess herself. We start those shoots on August 24th. Later in the fall, it’s back on the production track […]

Speaking of New Music

Speaking of music, I’ve started something new with friends old and new. Phil Hartsell,  from the last iteration of Blak Saturn, who had one show in common with me in that band has agreed to join me in refining some new music, both pop  and contemporary christian, as has my old friend from my high […]

Summer 2013 Mega Update

HELLO READERS! Wow, it’s been a long time since I posted here. I actually haven’t been posting anywhere all that much since dropping my weekly articles on 2 or 3 weeks back. I got myself into the habit of producing a web comic and that has taken up loads of my free time but […]

Back to The Stage with Blak Saturn

Well my return to live performance with Blak Saturn was certainly an interesting one. It was nice to be back making music with the two members of the band I’d worked with before and also nice to start performing with the two new guys. After growing up a few miles down the road from the […]

Take That Nevermore!

Take That Gallery

A Vlog recap of our adventure at Nevermore 2013 in support of our film, “Take That.”

Take That, Mother of Vampires, Nevermore & Blak Saturn

This weekend, I’m heading off to Durham, North Carolina where Nevermore film festival is putting me up in a sweet condo for the weekend. Our film, “Take That”, is showing and several of the cast and crew will be there to help me enjoy the fruits of our labor. It’s been a goal of mine […]