
The Respawner Pilot Respawner is really my first attempt at world building. The character was conceived along with her own universe in which her supporting characters would be fleshed out as they enthralled us with weekly or monthly adventures. Unfortunately, petty jealousy and animosity kept my film making partners from fully embracing the series and […]

Buddy Row Screens Thrice in Chicago

Our friend Jamie McRoberts hosted the film festival this past weekend at the Mad Mobster Party and chose to show Buddy Row in the windy city. This one came as something of a surprise to me as the last time we spoke about Buddy Row he didn’t approve of the cut of the film we […]

Cardio Rolls on Day 82

It’s been cold most evenings and we’ve all been working long hours. Still I put in 30 minutes on the treadmill daily with the occasional 20 or 40 minute session depending on the day and how I’m feeling. I have fully recovered from the back injury at this point and plan to start the Sunday […]

Here Comes Two Spies

Here’s a tiny preview of Two Spies, coming to a stage near you very soon. Many of these songs we are still working out the instrumentation on. Solos and backing vocals are somewhat improvised at this point but for the 2 or 3 of you that actually take the time to listen, it gives a […]

Live Tracking for the New Album Starts

Even though I’d previously spent one day laying down the acoustic and vocals scratch tracks to disseminate to the musicians who’d be a part of the live tracking of each song, Saturday February 8, 2015 really felt like the spiritual beginning of my new album. Standing in a room with real musicians who were prepared […]

Day 64 Cardo Rolls On

The back injury has really slowed me up without question. I’m pleased to say that however slowly I may have completed it, I’ve stuck to my daily Cardio routine of walking 30 minutes on the treadmill. Yesterday was the first day I really felt that I could go as hard as I wanted without worry […]

Brento’s Budget Film Making Podcast Episode #26 Drops Like Thor’s Hammer

I thought it worth mentioning that after over more than a year, Brento’s Budget Film Making Podcast has dropped a new episode. In this one I share my film making activities from the interim and discuss a new animated film project with my friend from the Poser community, Dave Watson. The episode runs 47 minutes […]

Brento’s Budget Film Making Podcast Ep1

Back in 2013 I started a little How To Make Indie Films on a Budget sort of informational show called, “Brento’s Budget Film Making Podcast.” Originally, the show was hosted on Libsyn podcasting host but I found their hosting overly expensive for very little return on my efforts and investment. Eventually, I decided to host […]

Goodbye 2014, You’ve Been Good to Me.

The road behind us has been mostly positive. The road ahead looks bright. Thanks for the good times and the bad ones as well. Thanks for the lessons learn. This year I’ve made some good moves. I’ve ended some bad partnerships and started some new positive ones. I’ve let go of some long term personal […]

Year End Update

Another lovely Christmas day has past and though it felt like a mini weekend break, falling on a Thursday this year, it was a welcome respite from the busy holiday hustle and bustle of the store. We’ve been blessed with far more business than ever this year at the Nutrition store. Gods blessing have been […]