Weekend Film Making, Faster Arrives and Other Randomness.

I arrived at the building this morning around 7:08. The common areas on the way up to our floor were so peaceful in anticipation of the work day throngs. It’s just such a fresh and neat time to transverse the hallways. Always makes me feel good to beat the rush. In the calm before the […]

Brent’s 2014 Meal Plan

Brent’s 2014 Meal Plan Meal 1: 6 oz lean beef (sirloin, 93/7 beef, or venison) 4 oz steamed hashbrowns/ 2/3 cup of green vegetables.

The Most Important Project

Saturday I went for a quick chat with my trainer, Boyd who helped me loose an bunch of body fat 2 or 3 years back. Unfortunately, he’s now based in Salisbury, but since I’ve parted ways with Gold’s Gym, it’s probably for the best. There are some challenges to getting myself back into some sort […]

Crossbones – A Show Worth Watching

What can I say? I love this show. The teaser did absolutely nothing for me but I gave it a chance anyway and I’m certainly glad that I did. I mean, seriously what’s not to love about pirates?    

The Dog Days of Summer Are Here

Summer in Carolina is HOT to say the very least. Thankfully, we’ve had some rainy weather that past week or so which has brought the temp down quite a bit. At work they’ve moved us into this joint team area they call “The Bull Pen.” It’s basically an entire window row opened up with one […]

New D.A.W. In The House

Well, it took some convincing from one of my long time musical collaborators, but this evening I dropped the coin on purchasing a new Digital Audio Workstation suite. I spent 3 hours writing and demoing a new song with Neil Mabry on Saturday at is home studio dubbed cleverly, “Depression Chamber Studio.“

Finding Inspiration Everywhere

Even on a quick jaunt down the street from the office to grab some tasty sushi for a late lunch break, I find inspiration in everything, the Carolina blue sky, the sculptures on the square and the old giants that seem to watch my every move. They’ve stood for nearly a century in some cases, […]

Holy Toldeo – The Sweetest Punch

I just made an amazing discover. So check this out…Elvis Costello’s collaboration with Burt Bacharach produced the exquisite, “Painted From Memory”, my personal favorite record on Planet, Earth and unabashedly classicist pop album that recalled Bacharach’s heyday with Hal David. The first Christmas after I married my lovely wife Nancee, her brother David gave me […]

Buddy Row Screenings

I just wanted to note that there were two Buddy Row screenings this summer. One at Mad Monster Party 2014 which was a huge success and a follow up screening at the smaller Kiluride Film Festival in North Myrtle beach which I wasn’t able to attend in person. There is a new cut of the film […]

Welcome To The Working Week Again

It couldn’t have come any sooner. I had a radio show in production, post production on a music video, pre-production on another music video, 2 private web clients with work on my plate, a web series in the process of being edited and a new album in active production the same week I started a […]