I’m in the position of having to make some changes to how my domain is setup to facilitate having a url for my album, “Faster” which is already printed on all the CD’s. I didn’t realize that subdomains currently worked differently than what I imagined when I created that CD art with my current host. So, as an aside I’ve began contemplating hitting the re-set button on this whole website. The site has been around as a wordpress install since 2009.
Five years is a long time and it seems like all my stories were full of content from a passed phase of my life. Mutantville and my early film making experiences, my old band Absolute Zero and such content that is really not relevant to my life experience at present. That’s not to say I’m trying to erase any of it, it’s just that almost any of my videos and stories from that era mention Mutantville.com or Absolute Zero.

Mutantville seems to be carrying on in the form of a podcast and a few e-zines that Streebo is involved in and that’s great. Whether that brand will mean new film content in the future remains to be seen. I do know that he’s written several scripts recently, 2 of which are based on my stories. I decided to go my own way with regards to film making and not take an active part in those. I wouldn’t be surprised if MVP never made another film. Then again I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. Bottom line, you’d have to talk to Streebo, aka Jamie about that. Mutantville has really always been his brand which Geo, Todd and myself took part in and supported. That’s not a slight in anyway. It’s just how I feel. His vision for what film making and promoting should be, but never mine.

My only imprint on that brand in the future would be if I edit anymore of the C For Chaos web series episodes or maybe create the final episode of Muticia’s Movie Morgue. I just don’t want my website to give the impression as it does now that Mutantville is my main artistic outlet. That’s no longer the case.
Absolute Zero is another story. That band is defunct as of now but the AZ brand has a lot of great songs behind it and has been known to resurrect from time to time depending on all of our head spaces and what we have going on. Even though I never count that band truly out, it’s just not what’s happening for me at present. I don’t want to go strip all that content off the site of course, I just know that virtually no one reads it or for that matter even visits this site.

On the one hand this site is a great chronicle, on the other such content only matters to me. It’s like an old family photo album. But,the site seems bloated and overblown now. Who is this guy who vlogs and blogs everything? I don’t seem to know him anymore, hence the huge gaps in posts that pop up here and there.
I’m starting to think I’d like a site that’s a little more reflective of my current life. Less categories and less content altogether. Another approach might be to have a stripped down version of the site with a “blog” menu item that brings visitors that want to see more content back here. More than anything I’m tired of so much clutter to the page. Does anyone really use the videos in the right panel?
Anyways, just thinking out loud. I have to focus my off hours to the new Faster website and eventually I arrive at a solution for this.
Hope ya’ll have a great weekend. I’ll close out with an alternate take of “Arlington,” from last weekends practice.