New D.A.W. In The House

Well, it took some convincing from one of my long time musical collaborators, but this evening I dropped the coin on purchasing a new Digital Audio Workstation suite. I spent 3 hours writing and demoing a new song with Neil Mabry on Saturday at is home studio dubbed cleverly, “Depression Chamber Studio.“

Holy Toldeo – The Sweetest Punch

I just made an amazing discover. So check this out…Elvis Costello’s collaboration with Burt Bacharach produced the exquisite, “Painted From Memory”, my personal favorite record on Planet, Earth and unabashedly classicist pop album that recalled Bacharach’s heyday with Hal David. The first Christmas after I married my lovely wife Nancee, her brother David gave me […]

Welcome To The Working Week Again

It couldn’t have come any sooner. I had a radio show in production, post production on a music video, pre-production on another music video, 2 private web clients with work on my plate, a web series in the process of being edited and a new album in active production the same week I started a […]

The Making of Late Summer

Recording with Gabriel Nicholson at his 1950’s residence has been such a unique experience already, that I’ve decided to make a complete documentary of the process from the making and polishing of the work tapes through to the final mixed and master album. Lastly, if all goes as planned, we’ll make an actual music video. […]

Thanks to Off The Record with Mark and Gabriel

I’d like to send out a big THANK YOU to Mark Lassiter and Gabriel Nicholson for having me on their radio show. It’s really thrilling to hear my material on any radio station but particularly on a local station. Also getting and kind of props for my original material is such a novelty as to […]

Absolute Zero is on Hiatus

Creativity is a funny thing. When you feel like yours is being held back, it’s time to move on. I’m not here to throw anyone under the bus here, but one of my band mates was being rather demanding, insisting that I play a particular cover that I frankly just did not like or have […]

My Love Affair with the Mandolin

In the circles I run in, I’m well known as a competent guitar player, singer and songwriter, with the occasional excursion on bass or keyboards. What most folks don’t know is that I have a real affinity for the mandolin and have long wanted to get myself up to speed on one. I bought one […]

AZ Gone Acoustic

Well, this weekend was fairly eventful. Absolute Zero had it’s first Acoustic show in over a decade. I’ve always though that there was something special about our material when played acoustic and I still feel like it’s a format we need to pursue more. It makes our music more accessible to the older crowd for […]

Faster is Almost Out and Muticia 2.0 is Kicking off.

It’s getting long between updates these days but that’s because there’s lots of projects afoot. I tend to neglect the personal blog when I get busy. I had a quick moment today and figured I’d fire off a late summer update. Yesterday, I ordered the proof for my first solo album, Faster. If everything looks […]

Speaking of New Music

Speaking of music, I’ve started something new with friends old and new. Phil Hartsell,  from the last iteration of Blak Saturn, who had one show in common with me in that band has agreed to join me in refining some new music, both pop  and contemporary christian, as has my old friend from my high […]