Another Contract Successfully Completed

This one was a fun, albeit short engagement helping spruce up almost 600 migrated Sharepoint pages in about 20 working days. HTML, CSS and a little bit of design, and all at a really sweet campus in Davidson, NC. Thanks very much, Ingersol Rand for engaging me!

Everything’s Gonna Be Alright

It’s Christmas time again. 2016 has been an emotionally tough year for myself and the world in general. So many great actors, musicians and artists of all kinds have slipped away. Bowie & Prince, along with many members of the various art communities I frequent, all gone. In March I lost my Dad. Well, I lost […]

Time Traveling with Google Maps.

This morning I was exploring our beautiful planet via the miracle that is Google Maps. I jaunted off to the mid-western US then onto Ontario and Greenland before popping back home for a look at the familiar. It was then that I thought to myself, “Gee, wouldn’t it be cool if you could roll this […]

August Update

I fell on Dog Days. I don’t know if Sirius has anything to do with this heat but Dog Star have mercy it’s been a tad sultry here lately. I’ve lessened my walking sessions and have turned to my art a bit more. On that note, I’ve produced a few more “award winning” images lately, […]

Dad, You’re A Legend

It was inevitable. The first Father’s Day without my dad was always going to come. In a sense I had 46 & 1/4th years to prepare for it even though it was the furthermost thing from my mind. Toughest critic. Best Buddy & Number 1 Fan. These are roles you don’t really give a lot of […]

In Dreams and Comic Life

In the coming days and months you might see some computer generated images of my late father popping up on my wall. Do not be alarmed or confused. Yes, that is indeed a rendering of the likeness of Wiliam Bowers you see before you. In these images he will be cast in a myriad of […]

When Pillars Fall

A month ago I lost one of the pillars of my life. A person who was a huge part of the foundation that made me who I am. Many years ago as a young boy the sun rose and set in my dad. I went to him for advice and just for guidance and confirmation […]

D.A.T.S. Comes to NC

So, I’ve been following this folk singer on Youtube for a while now. This past week she came to NC for a show. We had a great time at the Danielle Ate The Sandwich show in Carrboro last night. Summer fussed about going with us on such a long trip, but in the end she […]

Goodbye Dad – Godspeed

Mon and Dad

It’s Saturday, March 26th. Today between 5 & 6 am, my father drew his last breath. It feels like something I need to write about. While we are all in a dark cloud of grief at the moment, I’d like to point out one thing. This is Dad’s Big day! He is with his maker now, […]

Another Contract Ends/ Another Family Crisis Begins

What is it about going on a break from my IT contract that ALWAYS seems to coincide with someone in my family falling very ill or getting into some sort of health crisis? My contract with Wells Fargo ended last Friday February 26th 2016 and Saturday morning at 6:00 AM I got a call from […]