Welcome To The Working Week Again

It couldn’t have come any sooner. I had a radio show in production, post production on a music video, pre-production on another music video, 2 private web clients with work on my plate, a web series in the process of being edited and a new album in active production the same week I started a […]

Back To Contracting for Another 18 Month Stint.

I can’t tell you guys how thrilled I am to have been invited back to Wells Fargo for another 18 month contract. Great company with great people. Because of my deep history with Wachovia, Wells Fargo still feels a lot like home to me. In just under 2 weeks it’s back to my daily commutes […]

January 2014 Update

And just like that, another 2 months has slipped by. It’s alright those 2 months have been filled with loads and loads of art, both music, film making and of the 3D variety. Muticia’s Movie Morgue – Episode 2 has finally seen active production as of last Saturday. We had a fruitful shoot and it […]

The Sun Sets on My WF Contract.

After a wonderful 18 months the sun has finally set on my Wells Fargo contract. It was a really interesting experience being back with many of my old co-workers and friends from the Wachovia days, even if only for a short while. I had the privilege of working with some really cool and interesting people […]

Fall in Stanly County

For the first weekend in quite a long time, I had the chance to get out more than once and fly my DJI Phantom remote controlled Quad-Copter. What fun. The entire area is cloaked it’s most beautiful fall coat. The plan is to fly and shoot as much next weekend as well. It’s only a […]

Summer 2013 Mega Update

HELLO READERS! Wow, it’s been a long time since I posted here. I actually haven’t been posting anywhere all that much since dropping my weekly articles on Mutantville.com 2 or 3 weeks back. I got myself into the habit of producing a web comic and that has taken up loads of my free time but […]

New Fitness & Diet Program

Firstly, I’d like to note that these “Fitness Journey” blog posts are really more of a cathartic exercise for capturing my feelings each step of the process. If anyone else wants to read them, which I doubt, I’m ok with that too. I don’t plan to stick these to the front page or really promote them […]

Intrafit 6 Week Diet & Fitness Program Begins

    As of today, I’m two days into the Intrafit 6 week body shaping program. I started my cardio 3 days ago, getting at least 45 minutes and sometimes 1 hour a day. This program only calls for weights 4 days per week and cardio 3 days, but that’s not realistic for me. Experience […]