Finding Inspiration Everywhere
Even on a quick jaunt down the street from the office to grab some tasty sushi for a late lunch break, I find inspiration in everything, the Carolina blue sky, the sculptures on the square and the old giants that seem to watch my every move. They’ve stood for nearly a century in some cases, […]
Take That Nevermore!

A Vlog recap of our adventure at Nevermore 2013 in support of our film, “Take That.”
Take That, Mother of Vampires, Nevermore & Blak Saturn

This weekend, I’m heading off to Durham, North Carolina where Nevermore film festival is putting me up in a sweet condo for the weekend. Our film, “Take That”, is showing and several of the cast and crew will be there to help me enjoy the fruits of our labor. It’s been a goal of mine […]
Take That is a Wrap Son!
After this weekend I return to you with my creative coffers filled and even over flowing. My first “sans MVP” project, “Take That” has been realized. I guess more correctly, it’s been shot. There’s still the matter of editing and scoring and assorted promotional efforts, but it’s a reality now, barring any hard drive explosion.
Take That Day 1
It shouldn’t go without saying that this weekend was AWESOME! It represented a new era for myself as a film maker. We shot the first day of “Take That” our horror comedy starring Morgan Monig, Steven Tucker and Michael Ruff & lensed by Robert W. Filion. The weather tried to throw us a curve ball […]
Take That Pre-Production
My weekend got terminated! Isn’t it funny how on in the times in which you don’t have a lot going on, you totally take the down time for granted? Then when you are super busy, you long for a weekend to just totally chill out. We humans are a restless, hard to please lot. That […]
Take That Pre-Production and Other Stuff
News around these parts is usually posted on Monday’s in the pre-work meditation to get the coming influx of tasks into perspective. This week I break with the tradition and tell you of the hectic weekend ahead. Tonight, I’m taking the opportunity to watch ParaNorman as that is the only time open to do so […]