Invicta 8, Throwback Acoustic and Mini Comics

Monday is here once again. This time there’s no new music video. Old Johnny B tried very hard to get the gang together this weekend, but as you might imagine everyone seems to have a lot going on. I’m still developing new material for a folk album and if I can’t assemble the musical avengers […]

Blinded Eyes – As Performed by The Late Summer Trio

The final song from The Late Summer Trio for the week is a re-imagining of an old song from myself and Neil Mabry. It’s called, “Blinded Eyes.” We’ve given it the Americana Folk Treatment. Check out my custom painted Ibanez Nylon string guitar beautified by Vicky Galloway with some amazing painting. Yes, it’s the famous […]

Who Likes The Beatles Anyway?

The plan for The Late Summer Trio is to get our proverbial act together enough to play a few shows this fall. On that note we’ve started messing with a few covers you might have heard. Check out this George Harrison classic. It’s always a scary prospect to attempt such sacred music but we’re trying […]

FASTER Website & New Song Video Released

Instead of blowing out my weeks worth of readers, all 3 of them, in one day, I’ve decided to give it to you a little at a time over the course of the week so as not to blow your minds entirely. First up, the big news. I’ve got the website that is advertised on […]

My Theater is Back in Action

I guess I owe you guys and update as I sincerely intended to post one on Monday. Work got busy and I logged another 10 hour day, then the personal blog post slipped by me. Basically, I was just going to give an overview of the weekend. The really big, at least big to me […]

Site Changes This Way Come

I’m in the position of having to make some changes to how my domain is setup to facilitate having a url for my album, “Faster” which is already printed on all the CD’s. I didn’t realize that subdomains currently worked differently than what I imagined when I created that CD art with my current host. […]

Late Summer Live Performance

After a ridiculously long work week, Saturday actually brought with it an amazing practice with the new group. After only 2 practices, already I can see such great potential for a stripped down, non-electric format. We haven’t settled on a name or a complete lineup yet, but for now I’m referring to us as, “Late […]

The Late Summer Trio Re-Imagined

Last weekend I got together with Grant from our band of only a few weeks, Break By Sun and multi-instrumentalist, Brandon Almond. We’re putting together some very cool arrangements of my music featuring banjo and mandolin. Very cool and unexpected folk sounding. After this Saturday’s practice, I hope to have a video of the new […]

Weekend Unplug Required

After a rather long work week full evenings filled with editing a prepping a co-workers submission for Project Green Light, I was more than ready for a relaxing weekend. I always say that I prefer being busy and that is very true indeed, but this week was about the 3 week in  row of almost […]