Back to Training

I use the term in the lightest way possible. I have began to be physically active recently as I’ve just gotten too fat over the last few months. I got the Life Fitness treadmill delivered just over a week ago and after waiting for 3 months to get that whole deal together, it was about […]

The Greatest Bowers Family Vacation Ever

It seemed like I really should write something about what my wife and kids are calling, “The Best Vacation We’ve Ever Had!” What made this one so special? Well firstly all of our previous trips were with my parents or on a shoe string budget and cheap accommodations were the theme of the day. This […]

Forty Five Trips Around The Sun

…..I’m a happy man and I’ve enjoyed everyone. It seems like something of an epic post is called for since I haven’t posted a thing since October 20. I’m scheduling this post for my 45th birthday, November 5th, 2014. Wow, October got by in a hurry. It seemed like Fall was especially slow in coming […]

The Honeyspider World Premier

Last night October 18th, 2014, I got to attend the world premier screening of Kenny Caperton & John Hasty’s, “Honeyspider.” Having seen the duo’s first collaboration, the short horror film “Judith,” back in 2010, I knew I’d probably appreciate their new project. I did really like the film but before I get into that, let’s […]

Anthony Bourdain is a Pesimistic Druggy Slacker

Its Tuesday once more and Monday passed us by before I could post an update. I did manage a decent practice with Brandon on Saturday and we got down the demo for a new song called, “Carried By Angels.” As soon as we can get all 3 guys together at some point I’ll make a […]

Working Out Plans for The Weekend and Expanding my Vocabulary

Lots of commuting this week kind of threw me into a period of slight sleep deprivation. The alarm sounded yesterday morning at 5:00am as it always does, but for some reason I didn’t hear it. I did notice the OS updated overnight.  I supposed there is a chance that it never even sounded. In any […]

Artist Amuse Thyself!

Bill Shakespeare said it more eloquently, “To Thine own self be true.” This weekend wore me completely out. Not because I did a lot but because, apart from driving, I was forced to do so little. There was lots of waiting for this or that in the car, waiting for Nancee to get out of […]

An Old Tune Played in Public Only Once

I wrote this one on the way to a songwriters showcase where I was being featured. Weird, this one. It was my second time playing at this bi-monthly event and I thought to myself, Hey, they all have heard my go to tunes. I need to break off something completely different a new. Hence this […]

I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.

The title of the famous U2 song seemed so appropriate. The irony of course being that the folks who founded the church we’ve been attending probably started it up for the very same reason I now, sadly must go. The search for a new home congregation to worship with has begun. What I’m going to […]