Your Lips Kiss Well

April 21, 2017 marked the start of the first film project I’ve crewed on for a while. It’s was for a script I only had the quickest of glances at before Robert Filion brought me on, originally as Boom Mic operater, though I wound up spending more time on behind the scenes photography and all […]

Hit Me With The High Points

A Very Pointed Update Since much of my work in AEM with this current contract seems to often involved hand written HTML lists, I thought I’d give this update in bullet points and sub bullet points. I’ve gone with letters instead of discs strictly because I can. Let’s List It Out! Commuting an hour to and […]

It’s Only Romantic If You Drive Far Away…

…..apparently. Took Nancee to Nawab in Winston Salem. Ate a bit too much to follow that up with hot tea and Truffles next door at Angelina’s Tea, by follow it up we did. Angelina’s seems to, at least in my view continue to succeed despite itself. The owner-operator has just about the flattest personality I […]

A New Situation for the Next Hald Year or So

So, being in the first week of a new contract, this week is the normal drill Lots of personal introductions, meetings and support calls trying to get access to the various systems I’ll need to do my work. I now have my laptop and am slowly get various credentials. On the upside, the people have […]

Cold Weather & A New Contract

We’ve been gone no through a bit of a cold snap here in North Carolina. We even closed the store this Saturday. I don’t think that has happened more than a time or two in our ten year history. The roads really aren’t too bad but the temperature has stayed down around freezing which is […]

Big Smiles & A Few Miles

Started a brisk 1.5 hour hike at Jumping Off Rock near Ophir in the Uwharrie National Forest this morning. The weather was a perfect 64 degrees. The particular trail we chose (By the way I was walking with AT section hiker, Jeff Bowers, no relation) was very mild and not much of a challenge. We […]

Making the Falcons Fly!

My big project for the year has been the creation of a documentary on the 2015/ 2016 Pfeiffer University’s Men’s soccer team. After hundreds of miles and a months worth of day’s filming on soccer pitches all over North Carolina, Tennessee & Virginia, the film is literally in the proverbial can. This week we officially […]

Another Contract Successfully Completed

This one was a fun, albeit short engagement helping spruce up almost 600 migrated Sharepoint pages in about 20 working days. HTML, CSS and a little bit of design, and all at a really sweet campus in Davidson, NC. Thanks very much, Ingersol Rand for engaging me!

Everything’s Gonna Be Alright

It’s Christmas time again. 2016 has been an emotionally tough year for myself and the world in general. So many great actors, musicians and artists of all kinds have slipped away. Bowie & Prince, along with many members of the various art communities I frequent, all gone. In March I lost my Dad. Well, I lost […]