A Very Pointed Update

Since much of my work in AEM with this current contract seems

to often involved hand written HTML lists, I thought I’d give this update in bullet points and

sub bullet points. I’ve gone with letters instead of discs strictly because I can.

Let’s List It Out!

  1. Commuting an hour to and from work for a new contract for the next 2.5 months
    • It’s been great so far.
    • Great team of people
    • Great Facility
    • Adobe Experience Manager is Awesome
  2. Accumulating gear and knowledge for a planned hike on the Appalachian Trail starting in May
    • Got my boots purchased from REI
    • Waiting on their March 18th “Returns Sale” day to get the rest
    • Planning a test hike in the Uwharies in a few weekends
    • Seriously considering a Flip Flop approach starting in Harper’s Ferry, WV so I can hike as long as I’m between contracts this summer without running out of time in the North.
  3. Working with An Inodnesian Artist to Create Mother of Vampires Graphic Novel
    • Character Sketches in the likeness of the actors are in
    • Page 1 of the massive story that starts with the happenings of my film, “Take That,” is under way. I’ve given feedback and asked for a few changes and the process is working well
    • I’ve found a Candian comics guy who’s helping with reformatting my film script to a graphic novel format.
  4. Counting the days until my first official Genesis 3 product is released at Daz3D.com
  5. Spending time with Liam in the Gyms with kind of a two pronged goal of losing weight and spending time with my boy.
    • He’s almost 18. If not now, then WHEN?
  6. Trying to get to Trapdoor Recording Studio in Monroe an evening per week and every other weekend to work on finishing the new album.
    • This place is strictly no frills and essentially a home studio setup
    • The engineer is good and very easy to work with
    • Early results are very promising