Back To Contracting for Another 18 Month Stint.

I can’t tell you guys how thrilled I am to have been invited back to Wells Fargo for another 18 month contract. Great company with great people. Because of my deep history with Wachovia, Wells Fargo still feels a lot like home to me. In just under 2 weeks it’s back to my daily commutes […]

The Making of Late Summer

Recording with Gabriel Nicholson at his 1950’s residence has been such a unique experience already, that I’ve decided to make a complete documentary of the process from the making and polishing of the work tapes through to the final mixed and master album. Lastly, if all goes as planned, we’ll make an actual music video. […]

Thanks to Off The Record with Mark and Gabriel

I’d like to send out a big THANK YOU to Mark Lassiter and Gabriel Nicholson for having me on their radio show. It’s really thrilling to hear my material on any radio station but particularly on a local station. Also getting and kind of props for my original material is such a novelty as to […]

The Buddy Row World Premier

Wow, Boys and Girls, Mad Monster Party is on us once again and as per my usual routine, I’m buried in promotional items to finish off for the Film Fest myself and the rest of Mutantville Productions puts on there annually. In particular, today I’m struggling to get the final build of the Buddy Row […]

Absolute Zero is on Hiatus

Creativity is a funny thing. When you feel like yours is being held back, it’s time to move on. I’m not here to throw anyone under the bus here, but one of my band mates was being rather demanding, insisting that I play a particular cover that I frankly just did not like or have […]

January 2014 Update

And just like that, another 2 months has slipped by. It’s alright those 2 months have been filled with loads and loads of art, both music, film making and of the 3D variety. Muticia’s Movie Morgue – Episode 2 has finally seen active production as of last Saturday. We had a fruitful shoot and it […]

The Sun Sets on My WF Contract.

After a wonderful 18 months the sun has finally set on my Wells Fargo contract. It was a really interesting experience being back with many of my old co-workers and friends from the Wachovia days, even if only for a short while. I had the privilege of working with some really cool and interesting people […]

My Love Affair with the Mandolin

In the circles I run in, I’m well known as a competent guitar player, singer and songwriter, with the occasional excursion on bass or keyboards. What most folks don’t know is that I have a real affinity for the mandolin and have long wanted to get myself up to speed on one. I bought one […]

Fall in Stanly County

For the first weekend in quite a long time, I had the chance to get out more than once and fly my DJI Phantom remote controlled Quad-Copter. What fun. The entire area is cloaked it’s most beautiful fall coat. The plan is to fly and shoot as much next weekend as well. It’s only a […]

Asheville for the Weekend

To begin with, I should mention that I kind of had this trip thrust upon me when my wife schedule a class in Ashville and even paid for it before mentioning it to me. It’s not that I had anything in particular against Ashville, on the contrary, I was interested in visiting there again, but […]