IMG_4293Wow, Boys and Girls, Mad Monster Party is on us once again and as per my usual routine, I’m buried in promotional items to finish off for the Film Fest myself and the rest of Mutantville Productions puts on there annually.

In particular, today I’m struggling to get the final build of the Buddy Row DVD ready. There are minor tweaks still being made to the audio mix and sound design by my new buddy and musical collaborator, Scott Russel. I hope to have the final render in hand or even better on a DVD sometime today.

It’s really funny how these little short film projects work. You get kind of worn out shooting it, even to the point where you think, I’m never doing this again. Then after a few weeks go by and you have a rough assembly it all seems really neato mosquito again. Then over the coming weeks you get a little tired of ironing out the kinks, but eventually the day comes when you are ready to say, β€œIt’s done to the best of my ability.” Today is that day for me and the Buddy Row project. Just like all my projects, when I watch it I will only see the flaws, but that’s something I accept. I actually expect people to really like this film. If you are a fan of the old slashers and like a little gore and the ridiculous in your horror films, this one will get you entertained. At the end of the day that is the entire point. To entertain those of us who made and those we get to share it with.

BuddyRow_JWilburnIf Buddy Row gets the reaction I hope it will, you may hear from this character again. At this point that’s all I’m willing to divulge. Who knows how the road will bend or if I will even make another movie?

Thankfully, after I did a first pass at an edit for Episode #2 of Muticia’s Movie Morgue which I directed a few months back, Streebo took it off my hands for fine edits and some sound design. I have to say that I like the way that has come together. It’s a marked improvement over the first episode, Duh, I directed this one. Only kidding. Actually it’s better because more time and feedback were taken into consideration for the 4 versions of this script. THAT made a huge difference this time around.

Unlike in times past, I’m currently really into working with Mutantville and I do look forward to what’s next for us film wise. What little I know, I’m not at liberty to discuss. Suffice to say that (Working Title Because We’ve Grown Weary of being constantly imitated by local film makers – Just telling it like it is) Blue Harvest – The Screw Everybody Edition will be a major departure from any type of movie you’ve seen from MVP in the past. Change is good and I think we are all ready for a little change. Don’t worry, it won’t a chick flick.