The Calling on The Horror

This week Johnny Brento brings us a discussion of the 2000 Horror Thriller, The Calling where an unsuspecting woman is used as a pawn to bring to fruition the rule of the Antichrist. On her wedding night, a young woman conceives a child during an hallucinatory encounter. Several years later, as her friends and family […]


Streebo has posted a few notes on the site about my web series, RESPAWNER. To be fair, it’s a 1 minute short film at this point. There’s been some nice buzz generated among the Mutantville Players about doing a web series in 2010 dedicated to the character I’ve created. About The Show “What if an […]

Unboxing Horror Vol 1

Grab your shovel and join Brent and Doom Machine (Liam) as they unbox the latest box of rare Horror VHS tapes to arrive at Perfection Cinema to be assimilated in the great VHS Graveyard.