Time, See What’s Become of Me

Well, I guess I’ve kind of been avoiding a new post for some time. No particular reason, just life in general and not really having anything to say for once. Still feels like I’m in a recovery/rediscovery mode these days. From loss, from a career change (definitely a good thing,) and from having a direction […]

Have Gear Will Travel – Episode 1

Something I do pretty frequently is work as a traveling cameraman in one capcity or another. I spent more time traveling as either the sole camera man or helping out another production than I ever have in 2016. I worked the shoots and  stayed in hotels in various locale’s from Florence SC, to upper Tennessee. […]

An Artistic Line In The Sand

This gripy post is going to sound like a bit of a joke, but I wrote it down months ago and held it back so as not to embarrass the place that was kind enough to book me a few times. So….this is about nowhere I have played recently nor anywhere you see me regularly. […]