After a rather long work week full evenings filled with editing a prepping a co-workers submission for Project Green Light, I was more than ready for a relaxing weekend. I always say that I prefer being busy and that is very true indeed, but this week was about the 3 week in row of almost 50 hours on the clock and even more on project work. At the end of my work day on Friday, I felt overdue for a bit of a break. Actually, Friday night is kind of a blur. I think I did start catching up on some recent movie releases I’d previously missed with a viewing of, The Purge: Anarchy.

Saturday morning started off with a 10:00 am visit to Nancee’s favorite tea spot for breakfast. I had a BLT which was very tasty indeed and Nancee had a couple of egg whites and a cup of tea. We chatted a bit and then headed into the store. I did the usual checking of emails and perusing some of the 3d sites but really just didn’t feel like being on the internet at all. I headed out just prior to 1 o clock and made my way up to Eastgate on foot. I do really love the fact that the theater is such an easy walking distance from my office in Albemarle Nutrition. I don’t get out to see as many movies as I’d like but that’s not for lack of easy access to the venue.
Of course I had to check Guardians of the Galaxy and I’m very glad that I did. It was just as entertaining as everyone said that it was and was also extremely visually engaging. A Visual effects feast was enjoyed by all to say the least. I also dug up a few of the digital comics to see what these characters were all about. One thing I truly dug about this film as the retro feel and throwback to early eighties music.

Oh yeah, and one more thing. Michael “Merle” Rooker makes one more bad ass alien! Don’t mess with a guy who carries a mind controlled death spike. He He! I truly believe that even the miserable anti-fan boy Todd A Britt couldn’t possible hate this film and Todd hates everything!
Saturday evening, I got together with my neighbor Grant and Brandon Almond to start working up some live music in support of my album, “Faster”
There was a really good vibe and pretty solid chemistry. We probably jammed for 3 hours. Brandon’s a multi-instrumentalist and played some banjo and mandolin with us. That immediately gave all the tunes a different feel. I’m really very excited to be changing up the format and getting back to some live performance. My focus has always been and remains on recording but getting to play live is like having your cake and eating it too. Besides my liking it, Koda approved.

Anyways, really fun movie and I can safely recommend it to one and all. It really kind of put me into a movie watching zone and I have a DVR of movies at home I’ve been meaning to make a dent in. TV series and feature movies alike fill up my massive genie drive and I really hate when it gets down to like 1% left. I have some many UFC things recording that it can potentially cause me to miss a fight I really don’t want to miss.

Sunday, I tucked into the DVR backlog and make some small amount of progress. Our sweet kitten Koda was omni present on my lap and it was fun just staying in and enjoying the cooling weather all day.
Let’s see, I took in a few episodes of Hell on Wheels, Person of Interest and Covert Affairs, also Nancee, Liam and I watched, “White House Down,” which was just as entertaining the second time. I saw it in the theaters when it came out but Nancee and Liam hadn’t seen it.
Nancee made three healthy meals in the kitchen and I was able to avoid and restaurant food for a change. That was nice. She and Liam took off for Concord in the evening, but I just stay in and hung with the cat all evening. Finally I took in this weekend’s episode of The Strain. It was a good one. I’m starting to see even more deviation from the book, likely to try to fit such a large story into such a limited run time.
I caught Koda playing with an unexpected house guest. I tried to save him by putting him in a safe place until I could take him outside but he bugged out before I could turn my attention back. He’s probably still slowly traveling around the house somewhere out of sight as I type this. All in all, a lovely weekend was had. Got a little rest and am now ready to do it all again.
I did order a new camera body to upgrade my setup to the canon 70 D, but that’s another post. I’ll write more about that when it arrives. I feel like I’ve been buying the next best camera for 3 years now but this one really finally brings DSLR’s to the ease of use of camcorders. I thought it made sense to drop the cash on it so as to avoid really having to buy all sorts of focus wheel attachments for me 60D. My problem is that when I get a new one, I almost never sell the old so I am presently camera rich.