What a fun Saturday! Good friends and good music!
Big thanks to my buddy and probably best photographer I know, Jamie Wilburn for coming out to shoot Two Spies at the Stony Mountain Winery 3rd annual St Patrick’s Day celebration. We had a fun time and fairly solid performance in my estimation. We even added an Irish Jig called, “Swallow Tail Jig” to our repertoire as well as an Irish themed Johnny Cash number called, “Forty Shades of Green.”
The crowd seemed to enjoy the performance, but there was that strange delay between the end of the song and the start of the clapping which generally occurs when a crowd gets too drunk. I know that by the end of the day a number of people had to be carried out and I find myself pity anyone willing to be a public drunk. I try not to be too judgmental of tipplers, but being a teetotaler myself, I find no use for alcohol. When you see someone having passed out from imbibing drink, I think it’s fairly clear that they do have a problem. Alcohol can be consumed responsible I presume but I only have a few friends who seem to have managed that. Most of them drink to get drunk and I do find that to be sad frankly.
My hatred of all tobacco and the utter uselessness of it is well known by my friends so I won’t even go into that now. At many venues all the smoking by the front door and in any of the outside areas kind of sullies the whole experience for me. I still find it amazing that in the light of current medical knowledge anyone would still choose to smoke. It’s like rolling the dice where you might win a small buss the first few times you smoke versus potentially loosing many years of your life. Wake up People! It killed Leonard Nimoy 30 years after he quit. Call me conservative, but that is a risk I just cannot understand people taking.
Today, Terry and I are adding songs for the full show coming up at Harmanco’s on March 27th. Looking forward to stretching out for that.
BTW, the awesome feature image is one that Jamie Wilburn snapped. I hope to have some more like this as he gets the time to edit them. His work is really amazing.
Swallow Tail Jig – performed by Two Spies at Stony Mountain Winery March 14th, 2015 from Brent Bowers on Vimeo.