Instead of blowing out my weeks worth of readers, all 3 of them, in one day, I’ve decided to give it to you a little at a time over the course of the week so as not to blow your minds entirely.
First up, the big news. I’ve got the website that is advertised on the physical copies of my album, Faster up after a bit of foot dragging on my part. Please check that out here to read more about my 4 year in the making record. Also, I know many of you were holding out for the album to hit iTunes. Your wait is over.
This weekend I had a great practice with the Late Summer Trio. I think that the lineup has solidified a bit now and I’m really loving playing music with these guys. This week I’ll be posting 3 videos, 2 originals and one cover from my Youtube Channel. If you want to be sneaking you can find all of them in the Brento TV tab right now.
First up we have a brand new songs, performed for the first time ever. It’s still a little rough but showing a lot of potential I think. I really enjoy how different songs sound with the banjo used to carry it. It’s called, “Flase Judas.” I’d venture that everyone has someone like this in their life.
I know it’s a world of difference from my last band, but I have to tell you, though it’s simpler in some ways, it’s actually tougher to play. That’s kind of a cool thing. We had a lot of positive feedback so. I hope you guys will go like the Facebook fan page for our group if you haven’t yet.