It shouldn’t go without saying that this weekend was AWESOME! It represented a new era for myself as a film maker. We shot the first day of “Take That” our horror comedy starring Morgan Monig, Steven Tucker and Michael Ruff & lensed by Robert W. Filion. The weather tried to throw us a curve ball Saturday, when we were scheduled to film our exteriors, but we got jiggy with it and switched over to our indoor location. What followed was a 21 hour shooting day that was nothing short of epic. The cast and crew all stepped up to create something truly special.
While I missed my Mutantville brethren, I have to say that I did not miss that additional drama from too many chiefs trying to run the show. Having a firm hand on the direction felt right and I believe that the final product will prove that out as the best method, at least for me. While I’ve helped out on every single one of their projects and they’ve chose to not directly take part in my new venture, it’d be easy to have hard feelings over that, but I honestly do not. I view this whole, shooting without Streebo and Geo business as a chance to grow artistically. The next time I’m on an MVP, or perhaps I should say MVPlayer project, since our hash tag got robbed (Twitter You Suck!!!), I’ll be able to contribute that experience to the benefit of all.
Our last minute casting change may well have been a blessing in disguise. Not to knock the guy who passed on the role a few weeks ago, but Steven Tucker really took his preparation seriously and brought an unexpected sincerity to the role. I’m really glad things worked out so that he could take this role Now, he’s the only one I see for that character.

Timberlake ain’t the only one brining sexy back. Morgan warmed up this role quickly and really brought believability to the undead antagonist, Séraphine. The wardrobe was definitely challenging to do action in but she pulled it off admirably and there films climax looked utterly amazing! I can’t wait to share it with you all!
Makeup master Todd A. Britt pulled off both physical effects gag and no less than 3 character makeups in a single evening admirably. One of which is probably the best thing I’d ever seen him create!
Lastly, but certainly not least, Julian, Jeremy and Alan, we simply couldn’t have done it without you guys. The hours of set dressing and subsequent removal of set dressing was a HUGE contribution to this film. I think you guys from the bottom of my heart and you have a place on my crew anytime!
We have one more shoot day to go and I think it’s going to take place next Saturday, October 6th, Lord willing. I’m looking forward to it big time. I feel like the truly difficult action and horror scenes are 90% complete. The rest is more focused on the films comedy and after hearing Micahel Ruffs reading, I KNOW it’s just going to be a riot!

See you all in the movies