“Everyone forgets that Icarus also flew.”
At the time of his passing, I remember being angry that Tony’s, “handlers,” were allowing him to continue to indulge his various addictions through the looking glass lens a of a TV camera because someone deemed and indeed the audience would support the idea that it was a good TV. After viewing this movie from those who knew him best, the picture is somewhat less murkey. I’m now thinking that he truly only had partners and not, “Handlers,” per se.
By his own words, Bourdain admitted that he was intent on becoming a dope fiend in his early line cook days. Who’s to say that his ultimate final curtain call wasn’t, at least one some level part of his planned trajectory?
He’s still a figure I think about from time to time in the two years since he canceled himself. I fear he may not have found the peace he was looking for but God’s grace is infinite. This I know and Tony was definitely all heart.
Rest in Peace, Tony.
For a truly excellent tribute, check out Roadrunner.