Well what can I say about Jamie Wilburn and his new brand along with wife Jennifer, “From NC With Love?” They were awesome enough to come out and shoot some shots of me following my music passion along with my partner in crime, Terry Whittenburg. It’s a neat little slant on a photography service that puts the focus on the beauty and diversity of both the people and places of North Carolina. I literally wouldn’t want to live anywhere else in the world. It really is wonderful here and the Wilburn’s have managed to highlight it in such a clever and attractive manner with their new brand.
I’ve bragged to many folks that when it comes to visual design and photography, Jamie’s been gifted and consistently produces both layout and composition works that blow me away. I’ve been a visual design professionally for over 15 years and I’ve seen and worked lot of really great designers like, “Ben Rubeck” for instance. I put J.W. At the top of designers who just seem to really have a knack for it. As for me, I’ve always had to really try a lot of things and look at a lot of comps in Photoshop before arriving at the design, but I digress. Jamie’s got skills and now I know his wife does as well.
Sometimes, I’d like to harvest the crumbs from Jamie’s table of cool ideas. I could really see, “From NC With Love,” take off. If you’ve got an NC business or event to promote with some standout photography, hit them up.
Check out the website blog post about our shoot here. Notice Jamie’s account of how we first met all those long years ago. Johnny Brento is still around and still actively making music. Praise God!