The back injury has really slowed me up without question. I’m pleased to say that however slowly I may have completed it, I’ve stuck to my daily Cardio routine of walking 30 minutes on the treadmill. Yesterday was the first day I really felt that I could go as hard as I wanted without worry of the lower back cramping up. I’m going to try to get back to the Sunday morning training sessions this week or the next.
It seems that for every pound I loose, the beard grows another centimeter. It’s getting a little hard to take to be honest but I’m trying to hold out for my Viking cameo in my own film, “Farwalker,” which I hope to shoot sometime in April. Grrrrr, you own hair stuck in your front teeth while it’s still attached to your face can be…you know…painfull!
It’s really a strange thing having so much hair on my face. I guess it’s been growing for at least 64 days because I haven’t shaved since about the time I started this cardio stuff. People move out of your way at Wal-mart when you have a muskrat stuck to your chin let me tell you. Respect it! RESPECT THE BEARD, I say.