It couldn’t have come any sooner. I had a radio show in production, post production on a music video, pre-production on another music video, 2 private web clients with work on my plate, a web series in the process of being edited and a new album in active production the same week I started a new 18 month contract with Wells Fargo, but being out of a 40 hour a week job drives me “Nutso.”
Though the daily commute takes a little getting used to in order to get my departure time in the mornings just right to avoid that really bad Charlotte traffic, it just feels right being back at a normal day job. The work I have laid out in the coming months really seems daunting but I am really, really looking forward to it. I love being based out of the nutrition store and being around my wife a lot, but there comes a time that the space this job affords me is a welcome thing. If you don’t ever get away from home you can’t enjoy that joy of coming back home, right?
I’ve toyed with the idea of bringing back, “Brento’s Budget Film Making Podcast,” and have even created a potential 30th episode on my 1st trip over here. I have mixed feelings about spending any money to share it on iTunes though. The first run published last year, rarely produced more than 20 hits per show and the shows I’ve put up on the Mutantville Players Youtube channel with all new video content have garnered very few views. Though, if I’m being honest, I record the shows for me as much as for anyone. It’s just a chronicling of my film making endeavors.
I just completed a really off the cuff video music production for my buddy, Eric Cooks band of the moment, The Vaguely Symbolic and you can catch the world premier this weekend at the conclusion of “Off The Record with Mark and Gabe” which I have been hosting for some weeks now. The final segment of the 3 part feature I did on Eric wraps up this Saturday morning from 8:30 – 9:00 am. Afterwards the video will be posted on the Off The Record Fan page.
Late Summer has continued to progress and we’ve released another video of a pseudo live performance. This one is for the song, “Womanly Arts.” The video is really just a concept for a produced video I’d like to create when the recordings are finalized. In any case, see the video below and please “like” the fan page here.