Well my return to live performance with Blak Saturn was certainly an interesting one. It was nice to be back making music with the two members of the band I’d worked with before and also nice to start performing with the two new guys. After growing up a few miles down the road from the venue, this was my first time inside the AmVets building.

I have to say that the layout of the room we played in presented some very tough problems for the sound man. This is the first show where I literally had to play the whole time without being able to hear my guitar.
The really cool thing about this show is that my brother Kevin came out to see me and I haven’t seen him in 10 or 12 years. He’s living a lot closer to me now and is soon to move even closer. That’s an exciting prospect for me because I’ve always wanted to get into some sort of musical project with him. I’m not sure how I could juggle 3 music projects, but as they always do, things will work themselves out.
I have no problem believing that all things happen for a reason and the timing of someone coming into and out of your life is never just random. A man’s steps are determined by the LORD according to Proverbs 20:24. I believe that. My artistic impetus, whether it’s film or music or 3D art of whathave you will serve the greater purpose, not to get to heavy on you.
The album is getting tantalizingly close to completion now and thanks to the work of so many folks it’s turned into something even better than I hoped for. I’m turning my attention towards finding the right artist to create the cover art, though I well may wind up doing it myself if I can’t get the particular artist I want. I know that I want it to be a kind of mural with vignettes from the stories which the songs from the album tell. Hopefully that doesn’t come off as too pompus. It’s just that these songs and indeed having an album of my own direction is just very near and dear to my heart. I hope that folks will enjoy it and find the songs of high quality and deep meaning, but even if they do not, I do and that’s what matters most to me. I made an album that I’d want to listen to.