I don’t want to speak out of turn but I think all the players have agreed to the monicker of “The Branches” or perhaps just “Branches” as the name fpr the church praise band. Even calling it “praise band” puts us in a box I’m not sure that we fit in. I know there is interest in playing outside of church at retirement homes or other funcitons and the way we are hammering weekly practices, I believe it can be done if God wills it. Maybe it should be called, “Guys who love playing christian themed music together.”
I’ll generally try to capture some sort of media here each week to capture our progress. We don’t always have the perfect performance in the actual service which is not entirely unexpected since we learn the songs one day and play them the next. In the case of this week, right before the service we played , “Back To The Cross”
and “Using My Bible As A Roadmap”
a little better so I am sharing the mps as well as the video.