Back in 2013 I started a little How To Make Indie Films on a Budget sort of informational show called, “Brento’s Budget Film Making Podcast.” Originally, the show was hosted on Libsyn podcasting host but I found their hosting overly expensive for very little return on my efforts and investment. Eventually, I decided to host the show myself and resubmit it to iTunes. I did loose approximately 2 episodes in the shuffle but the bulk of the shows made it over and now are offered in perpetuity for anyone interested in no budget film making to enjoy.
Prior to sort of solving the hosting question I did post the first 4 episodes to Youtube with accompanying video content. Here’s the first such cross posted episode. Hope you like it.
Episode 1 sort of covers the mission statement of the podcast and sets things up. It runs about 20 minutes. In retrospect I think I was feeling a bit of resistance to branching out on my own and this was really the beginning of my departure from Mutantville productions. I totally lay out my film making philosophy but I can also hear myself trying to still toe the MVP partyline which is to basically talk like you are a bigger deal as a company than you really are. A fake it until you make it mentality. I was also starting to work with Robert Filion at this point and taking on some of his approaches to film making. Directors/ film makers and artists in general are sensitive and I think along the way I may have hurt a few feelings though that was never my intention.
One of my film making friends was always quoting film making rules or parables to me from various books he was always recommending in his videos. As a result, I start consuming these books and likewise quoting various so called, “rules” of low budget film making back in my shows . Eventually, the shows evolved or devolved, depending on your point of view into a blog type show covering my film making efforts specifically.
There is a touch of the blog approach here whereby I talk about Respawner and how that came about as well as the first rumblings of Take That pre-production. I discuss how an offhand comment about Respawner led to casting the female lead for Take That.
Other topics include what actors are worth, what they should be paid and when. What to pay for. What not to pay for. Working with a larger group versus doing it yourself.