The gist of this post is that the time has come to make a commitment to change. Chainging my diet and excercise habits as well as my habit of getting my fingers into too many projects. There are things I want as an artsit. I have to really find the maturity to manage those desires better than I have in the past and prioritize what is clearly more important.
My primary focus has to be physical fitness, at least for the next year so that I can get that lost energy back. I’ve just gotten too heavy. I’ve been slowly trying to work back to my fighting weight for the last 4 years. I started at a whopping at 340 lbs and today weigh in at around 315lbs. I’ve inched in the right direction but that is not going to cut it. Not by a long shot. The time has come for a greater committement and more direct results to get me below 300lbs and back to something close to my higher energy levels weight of around 260 lbs.
The really hard part is putting that exercise and diet ahead of my music and art projects which so ensnare my mind. Nevertheless, it ha to be done.
Steps have been taken. The new diet is underay and the new training regime starts tomorrow.