With the current configuration of work and school my Wednesday’s are really tough but my Thursday’s are absolutely brutal. Check this out. I typically get home from school Wednesday night around 11:45 PM from a day where I needed to leave the house around 8 am.
Thursday mornings I shower around 6 am and get out the door as quickly as possible. Then I am at work by around 7:30 am to avoid the big traffic. I leave work around 4-ish to head to school in Maiden 50 minutes away. School official runs from 6 pm until 10 pm. After the hour and a half drive home, I’m getting in no earlier than 11:30 pm. By the time I will have spent around 4 hours in the car and have drive just shy of 190 miles.
I want to remember this in the same way I remember basic training in the US Army. My classmates and I are going g through some real gut check shit together. We are all enduring our trial by fire to improve ourselves.
I am of our course proud of my wife, but I’m also proud of the other strong, intelligent women in my class. They’ve all sacrificed to improve themselves.