This is a sad post unfortunately and I typically keep this sort of thing to myself but I figured since so many of you also knew Bill and may not be aware, I should share.
I was so sorry to learn that my best friend from high school, Bill Hermann, sadly passed away about a month after visiting me for 9 days back in October of 2021. As he passed in his sleep at home in Ohio, it took some time for this belongings to find their way to his next of kin in a different part of the country and for his phone to eventually be reviewed and for me to get a text, which just found it’s way to me Saturday night.
I’d reached out to Bill many times this year and had begun fearing the worse when all those attempts at contact went unanswered. Bill told me he’d had some recent health issues of late and I had a strong premonition that I might never see him again, so I took a bit of video and some of photos of our time reconnecting and hanging out which I’d like to share.
Bill was a sweet guy who wasn’t always treated the best by some of the staff at South Stanly High School to say the least, but I think the good ones really loved him, as did I. He was quick with a laugh and a smile and had a nurturing spirit which can actually be witnessed in this video. Despite some very real physical challenges, he always kept to the sunny side of life in my opinion choosing to laugh at misfortune instead of crying about it.

He made an indelible mark on my life and I am so much richer having known him and having shared that awkward experience of being an outside through my 4 years of high school.

In his last trip back to the area, we hit all the old haunts and evening attended a South Stanly Football game. If you want to hear about those 9 days in more detail, I’m including a link to an episode of my podcast dedicated to Bill. R.I.P. Bill. You were a mensch and I’m so glad you deemed me worthy of your friendship. I’ll see you again!